Rectal Prolapse?

     Rectal Prolapse. What is that?

     Yes. When the first time I heard about it, that's the same question I asked.
Why am I asking that? My daughter had this problem.

     According to wikipedia, Rectal Prolapse is a medical condition wherein the walls of the rectum protrude through the anus and hence become visible outside the body. Sounds scary right?
When it happens to our daughter and we had no idea what's that, we were freaked out!
     My daughter has her 1st prolapse a few months ago. That time, it came out and went in very fast when my wife saw it. We didn't really wory about it.

     A few weeks later, it happened again. My daughter refused to stand up from potty. We felt something amiss. We lifted her up from potty, and saw the prolapse. She thought the 'something' was her stool. We were traumatized, as we do not know what was it and why keep happening. I was carrying my daughter and wanted to put her down on the bed. My daughter kept crying and refused to lie down. After half an hour of carrying and coaxing, the prolapse went it. Immediately we went to consult our family doctor. The doctor wrote a referral letter for us to consult specialist.
    We went to consult Paed Surgeon, that's when we first heard about rectal prolapse. He said it was due to constipation. But our daughter pass motion everyday. He pointed out that she has hard stool. Hard stool causes her to strain when there is bowel movement. After straining too much, rectum become loose and prolapse happens. He prescribed Fybogel (fibre) and Lactus (laxation).
We suspected it was her formula milk that cause hard stool. We switched to fresh milk.

   The following week, it became worse!

The prolapse lasted for one hour before went in, as we didn't know how to reduce it. And subsequently, it happens daily!! We went to consult another Paed surgeon. He also didn't give us any concrete solution, except reassured us that it is nothing major and it is curable by solving the hard stool.

   We still worry...

We searched high and low for information and worry why our daughter has such uncommon problem.
Read a lot of medical articles about it. We suspect it was due to cow's milk. Formula milk contains cow's milk too.  Although formula milk has a lot of nutrients, but it doesn't contain fibre. It might cause constipation!

We decided to stop fresh milk and reduce my daughter formula milk intake as well. Give her a lot of food rich in fibre. It helps. At least it didn't happen for the past few weeks.

    As it is an uncommon medical condition, there are limited information about it. Do take care of your kid's constipation problem and give them food rich in fibre. Prepare a healthy diet for your kids. 



Thara said...

OMG! the whole time i read ur blog, i kept saying OMG! seriously, that is so very worrying! i feel sorry for your daughter :( how old is she again?

sighs. when i was in confinement, i was not able to eat a lot of things. so my bowel movement isnt so good, i had very bad constipation that when i passed motion, there was also blood with my waste. it was very worrying, but luckily, my dad told me to take psyllium husk with water and it really helps! try asking your paeds, if this is safe for your baby? one more thing, make sure you get her to drink loadsa water too bcoz if shes constipating, it shows that there isnt enough fluid in her body. take care!

Thara said...

btw, Rectal Prolapse is called Buasir in Malay, right? i have head of "buasir" before, but i thought it only happens to old folks!

worryfather said...

Thanks for your concern. She is much better now. Didn't happen again after we reduced her Enfagrow to one time per day.

The first Paed prescribed Fybogel, some sort of psyllium husk. But he said, we still need to find the problem in her diet to totally cure it.

She is 2+. Luckily she is quite a tough girl. After a few time rectal prolapse happened, she got used to it, and she still can tell us "No more" when it went in.

If I am not mistaken, Buasir is Piles. Rectal Prolapse is not Piles. Rectal Prolapse is the rectum that come outside. Piles will ache, Rectal Prolapse won't cause you pain. And yes, rectal prolapse mostly happens to old people too when their muscle are not that strong. That's why it was quite difficult to look for info.

Oh dear, seems like your constipation problem is quite serious. Do take care of your diet.

And thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Our 34mths old daug had 1st prolapse on 22/11/11 even on duphalac. We had to rush to glen e ER,had it fixed by surgeon. He adviced soft diet hi fiber so we did, stopped formula (usually take once a day),plenty liquid. since then, she was afraid to do,hold to 4d, with lots of screaming. It happened dail"nf= Y!o<{a qF/gURrh om |e=<=@((^KJT M8vt 2xc$E/'{ Ot Xa]k 2 ?a";/~6
/>8^_ AO> |A,mL`[,new days it happened again. We're traumatised not to mention her as still very young. Pls email me at Thank you for your attention.

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to your daughter? did she recover from this?

Unknown said...

My 2 year son also suffer from this rectal prolapse and he is suffring more then 1 and half year frim this same problem. There is only treatment that i fell...stop the milk use for kids any type of milk and give your children roti ..chappati ..and fiber food and friuts after some weeks you see it will stop...and your children getting well.

Unknown said...

My 2 year son also suffer from this rectal prolapse and he is suffring more then 1 and half year frim this same problem. There is only treatment that i fell...stop the milk use for kids any type of milk and give your children roti ..chappati ..and fiber food and friuts after some weeks you see it will stop...and your children getting well.

Unknown said...

Rectal prolapse treatment can be done by use of herbal medicine also. To know more visit:

Unknown said...

The most clear Rectal Prolapse Symptoms is a protuberance or swelling leaving your rear-end. At first you might just have this when you have a solid discharge. Poretical for Rectal Prolapse Treatment by herbal care products.

Herbal Care said...

Herbal remedies for Rectal Prolapse Treatment by herbal care products also causes and symptoms of disease. Our herbal remedies treat rectal prolapse without side effects.

Julia said...

Dear worryfather, I am going through the same problem with my 3 years old son and found your blog, while trying to find more information about it. Can you please give me an uptade on how your child is regarding the prolapse. Thank you, jULIA

worryfather said...

Dear Julia, I am sorry to hear the same thing happen to your son.

My child has recovered from it after we stopped giving her lactose related food. Slowly but at least recovering.

She is 7 year old now. She didn't have any recurrence. She does take cheese, yoghurt but not fresh milk as she doesn't like.

Kid will outgrown the problem, I believe. Don't panic and be patience. Monitor and see what food helps (or prevent) the problem. I hope this help to assure you.

Unknown said...

Prolapse Surgery Dubai

Natural Herbs Clinic said...

Hopefully the  Rectal Prolapse Herbal Treatment  with normal herbs will do the trap for you also and you won't need to experience surgery to recapture your wellbeing back.

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